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Dear 23rd District Resident:


I am excited to share the following information regarding the application process for the 23rd District Senatorial Scholarship. Please review this information, follow the instructions below, and note that the application deadline is April 15, 2025.


How to Apply for a Senatorial Scholarship

1. Confirm your elected representatives at prior to filing an application. The Maryland Higher Education Commission guidelines for the Senatorial Scholarship Program only allow me to award scholarships to students who permanently reside within the 23rd Legislative District.  Applying to the incorrect office may result in missed deadlines and opportunities for an award.

2. For those who reside within the 23rd District, the 2025-2026 school year application can be found by clicking HERE.  Send your completed application to If you have any questions or difficulties completing the application, please contact my office for assistance.

3. In addition to completing our application, you must also file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) by March 1, 2025. This form may be downloaded at FAFSA® Application | Federal Student Aid. Please understand that though the official FAFSA deadline is later, this is a requirement of the Maryland Higher Education Commission, and I cannot award a scholarship to anyone who has not filed the FAFSA.


Our District 23 Senatorial Scholarship Questionnaire asks applicants to give general information, college information (if applicable), and community involvement. We will obtain your financial information from your FASFA, please note on your application if there are any special circumstances which create a need for financial aid.


4. Shortly after the April 15th deadline, my Scholarship Committee will review all applications and make award decisions. I am hopeful that decisions will be made by the end of July, and my office will contact you at that time. Please make sure to fully complete all components of the application and send your transcript to avoid any delay. Incomplete applications will not be considered.


You will see that we request an email address on the application. You will be notified of your application receipt by email within two weeks of my office receiving your completed application. If you do not receive notification, please follow up with my office to ensure that your application was received. Please save that email for your records; if there is any problem or any question regarding my office receiving your application, you will need the proof of receipt.

Scholarship Guidelines


Senatorial Scholarships may be used for undergraduate, graduate, or professional studies (trade school). Full-time students must maintain 12 or more credits per semester for undergraduate students and 9 or more credits per semester for graduate students. Part-time students must maintain 6-11 credits per semester for undergraduate students and 6-8 credits per semester for graduate students.


If you are already a recipient of a Senatorial Scholarship, a full-time student and remain a Maryland resident, your scholarship is valid for four years from the time of the award or until you receive your undergraduate degree, whichever comes first.  If you are a part-time student and remain a Maryland resident, your scholarship is valid for a maximum of eight years. If your scholarship has been in effect for four years and you have not yet earned your undergraduate degree, you are not eligible for further aid for undergraduate work. Please do not reapply if you are a current recipient of a Senatorial Scholarship. Again, there is no need to reapply to keep your current award active; if the above guidelines are met, your Senatorial Scholarship will automatically renew.


All in-state majors are eligible. The Maryland Higher Education Commission (MHEC) makes the following out of state exceptions:

  •  You may use this scholarship at an out-of-state school if your major is not available at any Maryland institution and if your senator agrees. In order to verify your major as unique you must complete the Unique Major Application . You will find the application at that link in May, and must fill it out and submit it to MHEC with the required documentation by July 15, 2025.   

  • Scholarship can be used at out-of-state institutions if the applicant is on active duty with the U.S Military and domiciled in the State. 

  • The scholarship may also be used out-of-state if the student is disabled and studying at an institution outside the State that makes special provisions for disabled students that are not available to the applicant at an institution in Maryland.


***If you are interested in applying for a Delegate Scholarship, please visit to see your representatives in the House of Delegates and contact information for their individual offices. All offices handle the scholarship process differently so you will need to contact them directly for their application and procedures.


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